Foreign Exchange
ADMIS and ADMISI have longstanding relationships with many of the world’s leading banks. These banks provide us and our clients with access to the global FX marketplace, Institutional FX, Non Deliverable Forwards (NDFs) and Deliverable FX for Corporate Clients.
We are offer industry leading middle and back office support to our advanced and cutting edge Front End technology.
As a leader in the financial brokerage industry, the group of ADM Investor Services companies provides non-proprietary trade execution, expert market commentary, exceptional customer service in the 24/7 marketplace and trading flexibility via our market-leading eFX platform.
ADMIS Global FX Offers
- Global coverage
- Extensive access to Tier 1 bank liquidity & non-bank LPs
- Non-proprietary execution
- Connectivity to multiple platforms
- GUI & direct API access
- Multiple regional data centres
- Best-in-class STP technology
- Robust risk management tools
- Competitive margins
- FX futures & listed options
- 24-hour desk coverage
- Outstanding customer service
- Strong capital base
- One of the largest non-bank FCMs, with access to multiple asset classes & Exchange Memberships including CME, NYSE LIFFE & ICE